Brisbane Animal Save, a collaboration between the Animal Save Movement and AnimalKIND, is dedicated to bearing witness to the suffering of farmed animals, educating the public about their plight, and advocating for veganism.
We hold regular peaceful vigils outside Queensland slaughterhouses and factory farms. The vigils are a rare chance to come close to the animals in the ‘food system’, to stand in sympathy with them, acknowledge their suffering, and look into their eyes with kindness.
More about Animal Save Movement
Animal Save Movement began in Canada in 2010 and has grown rapidly in recent years. Today, there are hundreds of Save groups around the world with more groups being established all the time.
Just a few years ago, the animals in the 'food system' were kept largely out of sight and out of mind. Since the advent of the Save Movement, there are now groups holding regular vigils outside hundreds of abattoirs around the world, and the victims are seen.
For regular news and updates, please follow the Brisbane Animal Save Facebook page.
Contact us at [email protected]