Leave a Lasting Legacy
Whatever your age, it is sensible to ensure that you have a will, and it is representative of your beliefs in life.
Large or small, by leaving a gift in your will to AnimalKIND, you are providing animals with a voice for the future. In making a bequest to AnimalKIND, you can specify an amount of money or a percentage of your estate, the remainder of your estate, or other items of personal property such as real estate or shares.
Leaving a legacy of this kind ensures that your values of protecting animals will live on after you are gone. We have been advocating for animals for over 40 years, but we rely entirely on the generosity of people like you.
We've partnered with Gathered Here - a free and easy step-by-step will writing platform. You can create your own legal will now and have a lasting impact on animals.
The gifts that people like you have left in their will have made a massive contribution to our work in the last 4 decades!

Make a plan for your pets
Writing a will is about more than leaving money to the people you love. It’s also about creating a plan for the pets you love. When you are writing your online will, you can nominate a guardian to care for your pets after you die.
Get peace of mind that your furry or feathered companions will always be well looked after.
Like to know more?
Thank you for considering a gift to AnimalKIND. We are a politically independent, non-violent group that is willing to oppose all forms of cruelty to animals regardless of whether they are raised for food, used in entertainment or experiments, or are wild animals suffering exploitation. We receive absolutely no Government funding and rely completely on donations and our volunteers to speak on behalf of the animals.